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Worthy is the lamb that was slain

£10.00 £12.99
Worthy?... Slain? Words not generally placed together, unless perhaps in reference to one martyred; in this case a lamb.

The book of Revelation has always been an interesting and yet more so, mysterious read. Spiritual allegories revealing prophetic events. Like a map, it lays down the journey from the fall of man, to the historically heralded return of Christ. 'Worthy is the Lamb' is in itself, an anthem, proclaiming the deep truths that birthed Christianity. It unveils the foundations that have preserved the faith, revealing the very heart of Christ and His Kingdom. The greatest love story, the true hero, a gift sent from heaven to save His people from their sins and an unrelenting enemy – death and damnation! Revelation 5:12 declares to us... Jesus Christ the precious Lamb.

Sin, death, the grave conquered and Christ risen, proving Himself to be life itself and the only Way for us to obtain eternal life. Victory! Worthy is the Lam

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